Our debt collection scheme is based on a 25 years debt recovery experience of talented debt collection negotiators/attorneys on all types of business entities.  Our proven approach and persuasive communication skills bring a unique solution in resolving disputes amicably whilst maintaining good relationship between the Debtors and Clients.  Our strategy towards every claim usually starts with our debt collection attorney’s initial investigation on the financial status of the debtor, fruitfulness of the case and his response to our amicable access towards out of court solutions.

Amicable Collection

The amicable debt collection process is a complex service that includes few consistent stages to make the debtor pay himself.

  • Examination of debt-proving documents;
  • Collection of contextual information about the subject;
  • Discussion with the debtor and his surroundings about the debt recovery;
  • Making a timetable of payments, and control of following it;
  • Searching for different ways of recovery, debt restructuring;

Upon receipt of the Client’s information on the debt including supporting documents, our debt specialist develops an individual approach and strategy of work with every debtor considering the features of the debt.

The usual term of a collection in Saudi Arabia is 3 months, during which the debtor begins to pay his debt or repays it fully.  In case the schedule of debt repayment is agreed, the period of collection is extended automatically on the period of validity of the schedule.

To start the collection process, we require debt information and signing of   the contract with the client, these are:

  • Full Address or location of the debtor is known to the client
  • Debtor’s name or Contact person, Telephone, mobile, Fax numbers, email address.
  • Copies of Invoices and/or Statement of Account or sum of the debt, Bill of Ladings,  and Purchase Order
  • Contract or Agreement or documents which prove the debt.

The collection rate via amicable settlement is based on the principle “no collection –  no fee”
